Ditch the spreadsheet for content analysis.
A David Hobbs Consulting Service

Content Plans for Redesigns and Platform Migrations

We help reduce stress and increase quality of complex digital projects.

Whether you are migrating to a new platform, redesigning your site, or rolling out a large digital presence with lots of sites across the globe (or all three), your content approach is essential. That said, most organizations don't really plan for content, simply attempting to ram in content at the end of the project. This leads to several problems including a) surprises (usually coming late in the project), b) lower quality, and c) less efficient migrations. Also, frequently far too much burden is placed on the content team (for instance when automation is appropriate). 

These are the some of the questions that should be answered in a migration plan:

  • What can be automated and what must be manual?

  • What content (and sites) is moving and what is either being deleted or staying where it is now?

  • How will a new taxonomy be applied to migrated content?

  • What is the effort level for the bits that need to be handled manually?

  • What is the resulting quality we are attempting?

  • The overall sequencing and process of migration, including how the migration fits within other activities.

Content Plans for Redesigns and Platform Migrations Interested? Questions?