Content Management Use Cases: The Medalists Some fundamental use cases are ignored when making CMS improvements Jun 5, 2018 Platinum Use Case: Optimizing Content Broadly and Over Time We need to innovate and optimize over time. And creating one-offs won't do that (see You can't add your way to innovation). Also, we aren't solely talking about making completely global changes (like the header or footer). We need to make changes broadly, but only for a specific type of page. Jun 5, 2018 Rethinking the content inventory: five keys for a strong inventory The five keys for a strong inventory: 1) list as starting point, 2) enhance, 3) bucket, 4) sample, 5) report and execute. Jun 4, 2018 Ongoing Change: Fast and Slow Some website changes should happen quickly. Others should take more time to be carefully considered. Jun 2, 2018 Page 10 of 15 (4 total entries) ‹ 1 2 ... 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ›