Rethinking the content inventory: five keys for a strong inventory The five keys for a strong inventory: 1) list as starting point, 2) enhance, 3) bucket, 4) sample, 5) report and execute. Jun 4, 2018 Ongoing Change: Fast and Slow Some website changes should happen quickly. Others should take more time to be carefully considered. Jun 2, 2018 Dispositions: getting the most from your content during digital change When making big content changes, consider more treatments than just move as is (the forklift option) and drop (the nuclear option). Nov 21, 2017 The "Build It And They Will Come" Fallacy In a rollout we want to change multiple sites or site sections Many organizations have complex digital presences. Whether we are talking about an external web presence, an intranet, or an extranet, there are often: Feb 13, 2017 Page 11 of 16 (4 total entries) « Previous Next » Showing 41 to 44 of 61 results 1 2 ... 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16